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How to Use Terraform Workspaces to Manage Environment-based Configuration

Luca Cavallin

Workspaces are separate instances of state data that can be used from the same working directory. You can use workspaces to manage multiple non-overlapping groups of resources with the same configuration. To create and switch to a new workspace, after running terraform init, run:

terraform workspace create <name>

To switch to other workspaces, run instead:

terraform workspace select <name>

Use the selected workspace in the Terraform files

The selected workspace is made available in your .tf files via the terraform.workspace variable (it's a string). I like to assign the value to a local variable called environment (since the name of the workspaces and that of the environments match).

locals {
	environment = terraform.workspace

Add the environment-based configuration to a new module

Now that you have a variable containing the environment (it's just a string) that you are operating on, you can create a module containing the environment-based configuration. I created a vars module inside the modules directory of my repository, which contains at least the following files:

  • This file will never changes, as it's only needed to aggregate the variables that will be exported.
locals {
	  environments = {
		"development" : local.development,
		"acceptance" : local.acceptance,
		"production" : local.production
  • This file too, will never change. Here I am defining the output of the vars module so that it can be used from anywhere else in the Terraform repository. The exported values are based on the selected workspace.
output "env" {
	value = local.environments[var.environment]
  • This file defines the variables required to initialize the module. The outputs of the module are based on the selected workspace (environment), which it needs to be aware of.
variable "environment" {
	description = "The environment which to fetch the configuration for."
	type = string
  • & & These files contain the actual values that differ by environment. For example, when setting up a GKE cluster, you might want to use cheap machines for your development node pool, and more performant ones in production. This can be done by defining a node_pool_machine_type value in each environment, like so:
// in
locals {
	development = {
		node_pool_machine_type = "n2-standard-2"
// in
locals {
	acceptance = {
		node_pool_machine_type = "n2-standard-4"
// in
locals {
	production = {
		node_pool_machine_type = "n2-standard-8"

The vars module is now ready to be used from anywhere in the repository, for example in file. To access the configuration values, initialize the module like so:

# Fetch variables based on Environment
module "vars" {
	source      = "./modules/vars"
	environment = local.environment

The correct configuration will be returned based on the Terraform Workspace ( environment name) being passed to it, and values can be accessed via module.vars.env.<variable-name>. For example:

node_pools = [
		machine_type = module.vars.env.node_pool_machine_type


In this blog post, I have shown you how you can use Terraform Workspaces to switch between different configurations based on the environment you are working on while keeping the setup as clean and simple as possible. Are you interested in more articles about Terraform? Check out How to Deploy ElasticSearch on GKE using Terraform and Helm!